TGF says "Building tree, please wait..." for ages when trying to Organize > Physically restructure > move 30000 files

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TGF says "Building tree, please wait..." for ages when trying to Organize > Physically restructure > move 30000 files

Post by bt25 »

When trying to Organize > Physically restructure > move 30000 files TGF says "Building tree, please wait..." and thats it.
In the Taskmanager from time to time the Process is marked as inaktive, and the UI is not responding. I let it run over the Weekend... noting.

I'm running Windows 8.1 Ent. on an new i7 with 16GB RAM.

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Re: TGF says "Building tree, please wait..." for ages when trying to Organize > Physically restructure > move 30000 file

Post by jtclipper »

Send me your tgf.ini file to have a look.
In the meantime can you scan a smaller set of files and see what happens, could be something 'wrong' with the tag values.

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Re: TGF says "Building tree, please wait..." for ages when trying to Organize > Physically restructure > move 30000 file

Post by bt25 »

It's a fresh installation.
First I tried with 100 000 files...
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Re: TGF says "Building tree, please wait..." for ages when trying to Organize > Physically restructure > move 30000 file

Post by jtclipper »

Yes that's the default configuration without a script, I cannot reproduce the issue , at least on my file set with around 50k files.
It might be some specific characters in the tag fields that produce a low level bug in the sorting process if you think you have such files try scanning those, please try to use a smaller set of files if possible around 2k. If this occurs again then I could test using a few of those files.

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