Automatic renamming

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Automatic renamming

Post by johnnyg »

Yesterday, I have installed 0.86 version of Godfather to edit some playlists.
So I loaded the m3u playlist. The defaut setting was "renaming".
Because that was not that I wanted to do, I left godfather without doing anything else.
But all the files of the playlist have been renamed. So the m3u files made errors (file is missing )

These playlists countered something like 60-70 songs.

(To do the things a little more complicated, most of the songs were not correctly tagged and their name were not made using the tags and a unique "model" of naming.

Is there anything to do to undo the operations ?

(English is not my native language - sorry for the possible mistakes made-

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Re: Automatic renamming

Post by jtclipper »

This is something that should not happen, are you sure you did not click update?
I am trying to reproduce but its not possible. (1. Load a playlist / 2. Click exit program. )

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Re: Automatic renamming

Post by johnnyg »

Thank you for the quick answer.

I'm sure that I didn't click update. The thing that made me leave was to see the column "the result if renamed".

To be honest I tested with the second M3U file to see what happened to the first one.

But I can give a screenshot, It seems that my "godfather window" is a little bit different that the screenshot that you made.

(My godfather installer have been downloaded from ) ... ather.html

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Re: Automatic renamming

Post by jtclipper »

There is no problem with your executable the screenshot is different because its from an older version.
If you can reproduce this issue again then I will try and investigate it.

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