Multiple values not being read

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Multiple values not being read

Post by guptaas »

Multiple values in ARTIST and GENRE fields on FLAC tags are showing up as single values on v090b since 2021-09-23 update. 2022-06-26 update is doing the same. The separator used in Mediamonkey is ;. MP3Tag shows the multiple values correctly on the same files using \\ as separator.

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Re: Multiple values not being read

Post by jtclipper »

If i remember correctly I never used to split the fields in to multiple entries
Send me a file to have a look and think of a way to remedy this situation

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Re: Multiple values not being read

Post by guptaas »

I'm not having any problem with mp3 files using ID3v2.3 tags. Multiple values in both the ARTIST and GENRE field show up fine in Godfather separated by a semicolon, my preferred separator. FLAC tags (vorbis comments), on the other hand, only display the first of multiple values.
I do not know where in the options I can set the separator character for multiple values. In other software, I have it set as the semicolon. MP3Tag interprets that correctly and displays "Value1; Value2" in the field as "Value1\\Value2" etc. The Godfather is reading that as Value1. This was not a problem in the past. I might have inadvertently changed some option but tried a fresh install with default settings and ended with the same problem.
A zipped small sample FLAC file is attached.
058_Close the Door Joe, We're Making a Disc!.zip
(468.27 KiB) Downloaded 1681 times

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Re: Multiple values not being read

Post by jtclipper »

Please download and test the latest beta

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Re: Multiple values not being read

Post by guptaas »

Working fine now. All multiple values are now being read properly.Thank you so much.
Sorry about taking so long to report back. I was away from home for a long time.

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