Edit mode always shows LYRICS3 instead of ID3v2

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Edit mode always shows LYRICS3 instead of ID3v2

Post by Truc »


I am not an expert user of TGF, so I might be wrong, but it seems to me that the fields shown in the Edit mode are those of the LYRICS3 tags.
Indeed, all titles larger than 30 characters are shown cut, as it is in the LYRICS3 if I open the Full Tag Edit window and select LYRICS3, while the ID3v2 in the Full Tag Edit window correctly shows the title with more than 30 characters.

As a result, I can not edit my tags whenever I have fields larger than supported by LYRICS3...

Thanks in advance for your help,

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Re: Edit mode always shows LYRICS3 instead of ID3v2

Post by jtclipper »

Please check in File/Options/Edit/ID3 that the read order is set to ID3v1->ID3v2,
so that the ID3v2 tags are the last to be loaded into the appropriate fields.

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Re: Edit mode always shows LYRICS3 instead of ID3v2

Post by Truc »

:D Thanks a lot!
I had tried to use the parameter File>Options>UI>Show switch button...
but had not understood the read order in Edit>ID3.

Have a nice day

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