no way to ignore track fields?

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no way to ignore track fields?

Post by TRT »

Hey there,

I'm having trouble with the track field.

In 0.88 I was at least able to still see the total number part of the original tag value in the grid but in the newest beta (with nothing checked in the 'Formatting' Options tab) it is always removed.
What confused me too is that for some reason changing the read order to ID3V1 first avoids this.

However I still have not found a way to tell TGF I do not want to tag files just because the only problem is that their track padding doesn't match and I'm not sure if that choice used to be possible.

So maybe it should be a step in the workflow too.


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Re: no way to ignore track fields?

Post by jtclipper »

The ID3 read order option defaults to v1->v2 meaning that v2 tags will always overwrite v1 tags unless a v2 field is missing,
the opposite resulting in a simple integer value (for the track field) stored in ID3v1 tags.

In the second part if you are using the 'ignore correct' check and any differences occur ( from the work flow or other formatting options) then TGF will present those files for updating.
However if you want to avoid the tagging of the files that only differ in track padding and/or formatting then I could provide a script to set 'skip' to true. I would like a couple of examples first though.

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Re: no way to ignore track fields?

Post by TRT »

Ah, I actually didn't consider the limitation of that field in ID3v1. :-[

So it's like this:
When tagging my files from different albums they usually only use padding when there are more than 9 tracks.
I care more about quickly finding typos between the artist and title tags vs the file name.
So I always have to open the options and adjust the padding setting before scanning.

So this is not really a bug, but having something like "keep existing" as an option would be a great help.

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Re: no way to ignore track fields?

Post by jtclipper »

I think you are right because at the moment track padding is actually forced by having you select a distinct value,I will add another option in the drop down list to keep the existing padding so you don't end up with modified files.
Will try and get a new beta up in a few days

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Re: no way to ignore track fields?

Post by jtclipper »

Beta refreshed

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Re: no way to ignore track fields?

Post by TRT »

That was fast, seems to work great, thank you :)

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