Variables in .INI file

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Variables in .INI file

Post by KevinM »

I have scripted to add pictures to mp3 ID tag.
I have also updated the .INI file to personalise Edit Templates and Edit Column layout.

I am looking for a file (pdf) or web page that defines ALL the variables and parameters, used and/or set in the .INI file, so that I can get even more personalised benefit from TGF.

ps: TGF has been a fantastic tool in helping me setting mp3 ID tags from File and folder names, thanks.

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Re: Variables in .INI file

Post by jtclipper »

There is no available documentation for the parameters of the .ini file.
It is not meant to be edited manually, only through the application itself.

However if you want to automate some tasks and looking for something specific I can explain some of the sections/parameters used in there

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