tg_Rename not found

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tg_Rename not found

Post by Karubian »

I've just installed the latest version (0.89) from the forums, and during compilation I got the following error:

Code: Select all

Compiler: [Error] (552:5): Unknown identifier 'tg_Rename'
Looking at the help and index of functions, this method is still listed. I also copied it from the help into the code to ensure there's no typo, but I still get the above error.
Has the method been removed?
If so, what's the alternative, now?
If not, can you please check what's wrong in TGF, so the method can be found again?

Thank you!

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Re: tg_Rename not found

Post by jtclipper »

You can use the following function to set the 'If renamed' column like so:

Code: Select all

tg_setField('Rename', 'new name.mp3');
After that you could use

Code: Select all

With only filename selected in the dropdown menu of the update button, or manually do the update yourself

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Re: tg_Rename not found

Post by Karubian »

jtclipper wrote:You can use the following function to set the 'If renamed' column like so:

Code: Select all

tg_setField('Rename', 'new name.mp3');
After that you could use

Code: Select all

With only filename selected in the dropdown menu of the update button, or manually do the update yourself
Thank youm I'll try that.

Out of curiosity - why did you remove the method?

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Re: tg_Rename not found

Post by jtclipper »

It basically triggered the rename functionality of the old 'Rename" panel and it was no longer applicable to the new Edit panel

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