how to add a download link?

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how to add a download link?

Post by Wag »

How to add a download link to mp3 files in my html_grouped.scx??I want to post my html export in my company NAS and make available for people to download files and possibly to play the files (using any html player) from the same html export, a download link and a play file link.

I dont even know how to write on the scripts simple html, it doesnt accept any changes, PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is one of the best organizers Ive ever seen, I dont want to find another one; I will attach my html_grouped.scx file in case a good hearted person can edit for me.... Please someone??

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Re: how to add a download link?

Post by jtclipper »

This is a simple modification of the original file that adds a link, save it as another filename in your scripts folder (for example html_grouped2.scx )

Code: Select all


// the first line contains the sort order, it is optional

program HTML;
  sFile, sClass, sArtist, sAlbum: string;
  iRow: integer;

  '<html>' +
  '<head>' +
  '<title>HTML Export</title>' +
  '<style type="text/css">' +
  '    body { background: #578833; font-family : Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; color: #C9C487 }' +
  '    a { color: #FFFFFF; TEXT-DECORATION: none }' +
  '    a:hover { color: #00FF00; TEXT-DECORATION: underline }' +
  '    td { font-size: xx-small; height: 12 }' +
  '    .ttblheader { background : #3A627E; color : #5AAEC0 }' +
  '    .ttblmain { background : #44775F }' +
  '    .ttbleven { background : #759D62; color : #000000 }' +
  '    .ttblodd { background : #69838B; color : #000000 }' +
  '</style>' +
  '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">' +
  '</head>' +
  '<body topmargin=5 leftmargin=10>' +
  '<br>' + #13#10;
  '<br>' +
  '</body>' +

  '<table class=ttblmain border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1">' + #13#10;

  '</table>' + #13#10;

  '<tr class=ttblheader>' +
  '<td><b>#</b></td>' +
  '<td><b>File</b></td>' +
  '<td><b>Year</b></td>' +
  '<td><b>Genre</b></td>' +
  '<td><b>Track</b></td>' +
  '<td><b>Title</b></td>' +
  '<td><b>Duration</b></td>' +
  '<td><b>Bitrate</b></td>' +
  '<td><b>Encoder</b></td>' +
  '</tr>' + #13#10;

  function _field( sValue: string ): string;
    result := '<td>' + sys_HtmlStr( sValue ) + '</td>';

  function _field2( sValue: string ): string;
    result := '<td>' + sValue + '</td>';

  if not ex_Init then exit;
  iRow := 0;
  sArtist := '#';
  sAlbum := '#';

  //write header
  ex_Write( _HEADER, 0 );

  //write data
    if ( iRow mod 2 ) = 0 then begin
       sClass := 'ttbleven';
    end else begin
       sClass := 'ttblodd';

    if gTag.Artist <> sArtist then begin //artist
       if iRow > 0 then ex_Write( _TABLEFOOTER, 0 );
       ex_Write( '<p>Artist: ' + sys_HtmlStr( gTag.Artist ) + '</p>', 1 );
       sArtist := gTag.Artist;
       iRow := 0;
    if gTag.Album <> sAlbum then begin //album
       if iRow > 0 then ex_Write( _TABLEFOOTER, 0 );
       ex_Write( '<p> Album: ' + sys_HtmlStr( gTag.Album ) + '</p>', 1 );
       ex_Write( _TABLEHEADER, 0 );
       ex_Write( _TABLEROWHEADER, 0 );
       sAlbum := gTag.Album;
       iRow := 0;

    ex_Write( '<tr class=' + sClass + '>', 0 );
    ex_Write( _field( IntToStr(iRow+1) ) +
              _field2( '<a href="file://' + gTag.Filename + '">' + gTag.Filename  + '</a>' ) +
              _field( gTag.Year     ) +
              _field( gTag.Genre    ) +
              _field( gTag.TrackF   ) +
              _field( gTag.Title    ) +
              _field( gTag.DurationF) +
              _field( gTag.Bitrate  ) +
              _field( gTag.EncoderUsed ), 1 );

    ex_Write( '</tr>' + #13#10, 0 );

    Inc( iRow );
  until not ex_Skip;
  if iRow > 0 then ex_Write( _TABLEFOOTER, 0 );
  ex_Write( _PAGEFOOTER, 0 );

  sFile := sys_SaveFileDialog( 'html file|*.html', '' );
  if sFile <> '' then ex_Save( sFile );


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