Question - Mass export of album cover art to the song/album directory

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Question - Mass export of album cover art to the song/album directory

Post by kentucky_slim »

Is it possible to perform a mass export of the album art for every folder/album/song across a complete collection?

I switched to MPD on audiophile linux as my source a long time ago and finally MPD has the ability to provide album covers to applications that manage MPD (MAFA, Rigelian, etc) but it relies on the image file being in the same directory as the album/songs. For years I simply embedded the cover art in the file its self. So I have the covers in place, but not in a way that MPD can read them natively.

I have a pretty good sized collection (currently 63,000+ .flac, .dsf and .mp3) and I'm having to go through them one at a time to dump the cover art to the directory. If possible to do them in bulk it would be a huge time saver.

Thank you.

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Re: Question - Mass export of album cover art to the song/album directory

Post by jtclipper »

The function is in Tools/Lyrics pictures..
You might have found it already

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Re: Question - Mass export of album cover art to the song/album directory

Post by kentucky_slim »

Thanks for the response, but I"m not sure we are on the same page.

I'm wondering if there is anyway to export the embedded artwork for my entire collection, to the actual album folder, in one big fell swoop instead of having to migrate to each individual folder then export one at a time.


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Re: Question - Mass export of album cover art to the song/album directory

Post by jtclipper »

You can scan your music folder recursively checking the 'sub folders' option just below the tree view.

Then in the export dialog select 'use the files folder', that will get you your embedded artwork in the same folder as the music file.

By using another %variable% instead of the default %F%, for example %L% to get the album name
it will simply overwrite the artwork file from the previous audio file and you will end up with one artwork per folder

To speed things up you can use a filter, I would use the track number to get only track number 1 in the file list, as long as you have correct tags that should work ok

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Re: Question - Mass export of album cover art to the song/album directory

Post by kentucky_slim »

Worked like a charm!

Don't worry about the file extension request I had either. Mounted the Windows share in linux and ran it through a shell script I wrote to remove the .jpeg from all of the image files.

Ahhhhhhhhhh collection sanity again.

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