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%R% != %F1% filter

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:45 pm
by hopalongrock
The "%R% != %F1%" filter doesn't work well for me. I have track formatting with "padding in files" 01 setting, so for example incorrectly track number 9 isn't equal 09 in filename.
How can I solve this ?
I had a similar problem in my %@R-Rip.scv% script, in that I used padleft(gtag.track,2,'0') to generate the proper value for the string in the filename.

Re: %R% != %F1% filter

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 1:45 pm
by jtclipper
You could use something like :

Code: Select all

 0%R% != %F1% and  
 %R% != %F1%

or use a script variable (preferred) :

Code: Select all

  if Padleft( gTag.Track, 2, '0' ) = gTag.ParseValue( '%F1%', false, false ) then
     var_result( '1' )
     var_result( '0' );
and use the above in your filter, for example :

Code: Select all

%@chk_track.scv% = 0

Re: %R% != %F1% filter

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:50 pm
by hopalongrock
Thank you, works fine.

In the filter setting I propose to implement the three dot and the menu (tag field, extended tag field, ...) in the Value column too, not only in the Field column, because now the field and value column works the same way, if I understand well.

Re: %R% != %F1% filter

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 10:24 am
by jtclipper
Yes I want to add an ellipsis button to all the controls that accept %variables for example the options and a few other places like the value column in the filter, I hope i can implement it during the 0.89 beta cycle

Re: %R% != %F1% filter

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 10:52 am
by hopalongrock
Great, thank you.