column width problem - The GodFather 0.87

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column width problem - The GodFather 0.87

Post by curlysue »

Does anyone know what setting is responsible for maintaining column widths after the user (in this case, me) resizes them?

I ask because after resizing the column widths, once I close The GodFather and re-open it the program returns to the default column widths which are painfully narrow for most every MP3 track.

Prior to posting, opening The GodFather's HELP index, entering "column width" (without quotes) in the Search window, pressing the List Topics produced zero results.

Then I seached for "column" and search found . . . Options UI > Grids > Remember column widths: Will remember the column size use in the Tag and/or Online grid. Unfortunately, when I open Options > UI - Grids, I cannot find "Remember column widths" listed anywhere as confirmed by the screen shot image shown below . . .


. . . where I thought unchecking AutoSize would resolve the problem - after closing and re-opening The GodFather, scanning again (which, BTW, is a complete drag to have to scan each time the program is restarted after closing it) the column widths were (once again) as narrow as they were before I resized them.

Any suggestions are sincerely appreciated because the HELP file appears to be "out of date" or at minimum it requires some revision(s) in this regard.

Thank you.

CurlySue :)

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Re: column width problem - The GodFather 0.87

Post by jtclipper »

The quick way to do this is use the right click popup menu and select 'Save current column preset' the shortcut is CTRL_T.

If you want to customize further these are the steps/options you have available:

Clicking the columns button will open a dialog with all the available columns for you to display.
After setting the visible columns you can reposition/resize them in the grid itself.
You can also set your preffered sorting, remember with SHIFT_CLICK you can sort by multiple columns.

Now that everything is set click the down arrow near the columns button and select 'Presets...', a new dialog will appear with the various presets provided by the default installation, here using the current state of the grid you can add a new preset or replace an existing one. Don't forget to click save.

All the available presets will be displayed in the drop down menu for quick access.

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Re: column width problem - The GodFather 0.87

Post by curlysue »

Thank you for your response and support, jtclipper.

After around an hour of experimentation, I discovered the same.

Thank you for the detailed and comprehensive explanation.

All "column widths" and columns I deem necessary are maintaining their widths and only visible respectively.

Thanks again!

CurlySue :)

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