Noob to Godfather, Just Introducing myself

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Noob to Godfather, Just Introducing myself

Post by Alienmoon »

I couldn't find a section where New members are able to introduce themselves to the Forum, So I hope you don't mind If I place my message here in the Announcements section.

I'm not new to computers or entering Metadata for Music Albums and Movie Collections I have, Though I'm New to your " GodFather " Application.

My Name is actually Gary, and despite my Username, No I Don't think there's an Alien Base on the Moon, The Username is my Steam Gaming Name.

OK, So I'm off to try your Application & thank you. :)


I Don't Suppose we are able to upload an Avatar for our Profiles, can we ?
If so, can someone please explain where and how, Because I'm unable to find the section needed to upload a Profile Image.
I Want To Believe

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Re: Noob to Godfather, Just Introducing myself

Post by jtclipper »

Avatars were disabled for the forums, no reason for that just did not notice.
You should be able to use one now, try it.

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