Version 0.88 available

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Version 0.88 available

Post by jtclipper »

Code: Select all

   *All fields are now available at the Edit grid, Templates & Quick view
   *Online, many new fields added in the extra fields grid and are also grabbed from online sources.
   *Work Flow introduced
   *Sentence case
   *Scrip aware variables
   *Range variables
   *Case variables
   *Script engine improvements
   *Masks use # instead of % now
   *Speed improvements handling very large XML results from Musicbrainz 
   *Minor option fixes
   *mp4 a couple of extended fields were not saved properly
   *ID3v2 corrupted URL fields read properly
   *Incremental variable %#% works again
   *'Open with..' shell command fixed for folders that don't belong to the current root
:: Breaking changes ::
Due to the nature of the new changes many Options have been removed or normalized.
The easiest way to deal with it is to make a clean install or rename your old tgf.ini file.

Obsolete options removed: Use case, Use matrix for rename and tags, basic, extended fields handing, URL always lower, remove rage, parenthesis & compatible from rename.
The 'Work flow' is now responsible for all the formatting options and must be configured prior to working with your files!
If you use the 'Involved People' field and Proper case formatting you will need to add = and ; as word separators.

The Fields grid responsible to configure the directory structure has only 1 column, the 2nd column holding the length of the field is removed.
Range variables are now used by default, for example the row with %A% 1 now becomes a single column like so %*A,1,1%
Default scripts will use the new scheme and also separate values with + instead of |, in the appropriate line.

Many new functions have been introduced to handle the new online panel fields and a few gTag methods have been changed or added, please have a look at the help file for more info.
Most notably gTag.SaveTofile now uses only 2 parameters and if you use scripts other than the defaults you will have to update

Code: Select all

function gTag.SaveToFile( const iFlg: integer = 0; bResetPadding: boolean ): Boolean;

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Re: Version 0.88 available

Post by MadMax »

The latest versions are very improved, although you need to be familiar with them as there are major changes.
Many new features are updated and added.

I want to mention 2 things:

I missed the option button in the main layout. I think that changing the options is very often while using this program. So the return of one click button would be a fast why to change the settings.

A useful feature was also the one to "clean fields that are left empty" instead of ticking every single box in template frame. The same as "Replacement matrix"; in order to disable it you have to uncheck the rules one by one.

"Work flow" seems to work great with a little practice.

Thank you for this complete program once again... It is my first priority for tagging... :)

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Re: Version 0.88 available

Post by emueyes »

This has been a topic of discussion over at the XBMC/Kodi forums, the result has been to open the files in MP3tag, then force a rewrite and everything will be fine.

TGF seems quit unique, not least in its scripting. I know MP3 tag has scripting, and has some libraries that can be called, but this seems so much easier.

I don't want to have to discover wood just to build a wheel, but it looks like all that's needed is to to open and rewrite a file, all that's really needed is to recurse a directory and do that for all 1400 albums.. So, am wondering if anyone had made a script to traverse a directory structure and write to each file of a certain type.

I've only discovered tgf today so apologise for asking things already answered but does that kind of script exist already ?

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