Version 0.85 beta - available

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Version 0.85 beta - available

Post by jtclipper »

A new beta (0.85b) is ready for testing/feedback.

Code: Select all

  * Rename/Tag/Playlist/Export-Import/Online/ panels all merged into a single Panel named Edit, all functionality is preserved.
  * The new grid in the edit panel is now reconfigurable (Column order/visibility/sort) and presets can be defined.
  * New % variables ALBUMARTIST %aa, ORIGINALARTIST %oa, PUBLISHER %pu, DISCNUMBER %di, BPM %bp, %ar (%aa or %a), all the above fields moved to standard fields also.
  * The online procedures have better support for compilations, using the performer per song and/or album artist field upon option/availability.
  * The filters have been re-worked, Operators added (=,<,>,!=,<=,>=,?,!?,~,!~), ? stands for the 'like' operator and ~ will use sound-ex for compares.
  * Import re-worked, more fields added and two new placeholders, <KEEP> and <BLANK> will keep the original field values or remove them respectively.
  * A quick view mini panel added, that provides an easy method to spot differences between the actual values in the tag fields and the ones you defined in the edit grid for further update.
  * Scripts have been merged and new functions added  (documented in the help file), most build in scripts enhanced/updated.
  * The library has been updated to support the new fields.

  * The ID3v2.2 TPA frame handled properly
  * The ID3v2. APIC frame with double byte descriptions handled properly.
  * Vorbis comment covert art type mix up on multiple covers corrected.
  * Genre fields separated with Chr(0) will be read correctly.
  * Non numeric track fields will now ignore padding options.
  * Range copy/paste in the edit grid will no longer occasionally create excess rows nor delete read only fields.
  * Smaller fixes/updates applied.
Please keep in mind that this is a beta with a partial re write of the internal engine. (An install on a separate folder is recommended)

Code: Select all

  -Enhanced hint for the Update button
  -ID3v2 user fields named 'ALBUMARTIST' or 'ALBUM ARTIST' will be read into the standard Albumartist field
  -ID3 read order issues resolved
  -Full tag edit dialog will now save LYRICS3 genre properly
  -Some Track formatting issues fixed

Code: Select all

  -Filters merged and moved into the folder tree panel, (option to show/hide)
  -Option added ->(ID3v2 user fields named 'ALBUMARTIST' or 'ALBUM ARTIST' will be read into the standard Albumartist field)
  -Track field formatting issues worked out, (options normalized)
  -Added 3 more variables/fields ORIGINALALBUM, ORIGINALYEAR, REMIXEDBY (%OL%,%OY%,%RM%)
  -IMPORTANT!- All variables now have a % suffix (please update your templates)
  -'Expand all'/'Contract all' buttons at library
  -Restructure rare bug when Source and Destination files were the same corrected.

Code: Select all

  -New 'in list' filter Operator $
  -Tag existence filters small fixes
  -Elevated privileges manifest embedded to the executable
  -Bug with .png image files usage corrected [Wed Feb 20 2013]

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Re: Version 0.85 beta - available

Post by hopalongrock »

Thank You, I like the new Edit panel, the new fields.

At 1st, there is much less free space available for the fields in the panel.
I would like
- a new button to enable/disable (open/close) the folder view (not only a menu item and function key)
- a new button to enable/disable (open/close) the template/quick view panel on the right side, to be able to see more fields (and maybe a menu item and function key for this)

A question: I can't find Parameters for the Templates.

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Re: Version 0.85 beta - available

Post by hopalongrock »

hopalongrock wrote:A question: I can't find Parameters for the Templates.
I found it in Options - good place, I've never changed my setting.

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Re: Version 0.85 beta - available

Post by hopalongrock »

My formatting parameters are
clean track field in rename, tag update
padding in files "01"
padding in tags "1"
It works well in 0.81, but in 0.85 "if renamed" and the file name after update shows for example for track number "5" the same "5" without leading "0"
If I change padding in tags to "01", then both in tag and file will be "05" for track.

My "Preserve file timestamp when updating Tags" option is disabled, but the timestamp changes for those files, where actually there is no change. This would be very useful, when I define a new case rule (for example), and don't know, which file changed - I would like new date only on changed files.
Or when I modify some titles in an album, and doesn't remember the changed files.

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Re: Version 0.85 beta - available

Post by hopalongrock »

some problems:
-I reduced the template/quick view panel quite to the right edge, and now I can't pull back, after some restart.
-When in Column preset "All" I arrange the columns OR in Select Columns I disable some columns, TGF doesn't save this, after restart I see the previous column layout.

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Re: Version 0.85 beta - available

Post by hopalongrock »

I successfully restored the template/quick view panel increasing r_width in ini file from 0.

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Re: Version 0.85 beta - available

Post by jtclipper »

refreshed the beta.
Track padding should work OK now.
Panel resizing should not cause problems, added another menu option for the edit right panel, changed shortcuts to be friendlier to use.

For timestamps of files not in 'need for update' you can use the 'ignore' check button so those files are hidden from the grid.
Another option might be (in case the ignore is not checked) to set a value in the result column, something like #, so one can visually spot the difference or even set the skip field to true. Bu i am afraid the later might prove cumbersome for some users. I might add an option for that, I will see what is best.

For presets to be remembered you need to go to presets/manage, there you can use the add or replace button to respectively create a new one or refresh an existing preset.Please use save before closing the dialog.
Now when the program starts it will try to load the last preset you selected from the menu, so one last action might be needed (click the desired menu item once).

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Re: Version 0.85 beta - available

Post by hopalongrock »

jtclipper wrote:refreshed the beta.
Track padding should work OK now.
Panel resizing should not cause problems, added another menu option for the edit right panel, changed shortcuts to be friendlier to use.
Track padding is OK, Ctrl-Q and Ctrl-W works fine, but TGF doesn't remember after restart - EDIT: I don't know, probably it's better to see always the two panels, when TGF starts.
jtclipper wrote:For timestamps of files not in 'need for update' you can use the 'ignore' check button so those files are hidden from the grid.
Another option might be (in case the ignore is not checked) to set a value in the result column, something like #, so one can visually spot the difference or even set the skip field to true. Bu i am afraid the later might prove cumbersome for some users. I might add an option for that, I will see what is best.
'ignore' isn't good for me, because at 1st I view the tags, and modify if needed. If TGF can't do only the needed updates automatically, a "changed" indicator would be useful, to select row mode for the changed lines, or skip the other lines.
jtclipper wrote:For presets to be remembered you need to go to presets/manage, there you can use the add or replace button to respectively create a new one or refresh an existing preset.Please
use save before closing the dialog.
Now when the program starts it will try to load the last preset you selected from the menu, so one last action might be needed (click the desired menu item once).
OK, it works well now, remembers the columns.
Now I can't decide, how I will work with this version:
Select in Columns menu Tag and later Rename, as with the previous version,
or select Edit for for both (I don't use Online and Playlist/Encode),
but it would be useful to display somewhere, for example above/under Columns and Update or with Mouseover, the Columns and Update menu item in effect, for example Edit and Both, Rename and Filename, Tag and Tags, .... , to know what will happen clicking on Update.

I have another problem with "Ignore". In previous version it was separate option for Update and Rename, in Tag panel I disable "Ignore correct", in Rename enable.
Now if I disable "Ignore" to view all files (what is desired for me), then the rename will show (and update) all files (even if I select a separate Rename, not Edit, in Columns), and I again don't know what file name will change, although the file date doesn't change in rename.

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Re: Version 0.85 beta - available

Post by jtclipper »

When you select update/rename/both the icon of the button changes so one can always have an idea what is going to be updated.
The ignore now works in conjunction with the update mode rename/tag/both and it decides to exclude files based on what you want to update.

A change indicator while scanning or after editing a row in the grid can be added in the result column, maybe with an option so it is easier to batch select files, will see how it can be done together with the ignore button functionality.

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Re: Version 0.85 beta - available

Post by hopalongrock »

jtclipper wrote:When you select update/rename/both the icon of the button changes so one can always have an idea what is going to be updated.
I did not notice this - it's a little bit hard for me to recognize the different icons (and know their meaning) on the same button without words, maybe TGF could display Tags/File/Both in a bigger icon or at least in the mouseover in a second line - as in Script - under "Update F8" .
jtclipper wrote:The ignore now works in conjunction with the update mode rename/tag/both and it decides to exclude files based on what you want to update.
Will see in the practice.
jtclipper wrote:A change indicator while scanning or after editing a row in the grid can be added in the result column, maybe with an option so it is easier to batch select files, will see how it can be done together with the ignore button functionality.

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Re: Version 0.85 beta - available

Post by Wurlitzer »


first of all thank you very much for the new version. Phantastic work so far.

One bug I've found: content in comment field isn't displayed in grid and quick view.
One feature request: it would be nice to have original album and original release year also in the multiple edit panel.

Bye Byte & Happy Coding

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Re: Version 0.85 beta - available

Post by jtclipper »

Wurlitzer wrote:One bug I've found: content in comment field isn't displayed in grid and quick view.
I cant reproduce this, so please send me a file that displays that issue.

Will see what can be done with a few more fields being added as well.

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Re: Version 0.85 beta - available

Post by thrashed »

I'm a long time fan of TGF and have learned my way around the program. But the new version - which I'm liking so far - has me confused.

In previous versions, I was able to setup up renaming options based on variables. I found this under Options > Rename > Format Options > Use Variable. There were two other check boxes in that section for "Use Case" and "Use Replacement Matrix".

I used two renaming options based on tokens. One for albums by a single artist (%A - %L - %R. %T) and one for albums by various artists (%R. %L - %A - %T)

In the new version of TGF, the Options > Rename > Format Options only has the two check boxes for for "Use Case" and "Use Replacement Matrix".

How do I set up the renaming options as I did in older versions?

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Re: Version 0.85 beta - available

Post by jtclipper »

This option has moved to the templates mini panel (at the bottom).
I placed it there for easier use alongside the tag fields.

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Re: Version 0.85 beta - available

Post by jtclipper »

Wurlitzer wrote: One bug I've found: content in comment field isn't displayed in grid and quick view.
There was a bug with ID3 reading order (options/tags/id3/read order), I have fixed it hopefully.
I would also suggest that you change your read order to ID3v1->ID3v2 , this way ID3v2 fields will be read last and overwrite ID3v1 (unless the ID3v2 fields are blank)
